Well, right now I’m moving my weblog to Hugo which came to replace Pelican.

So you may observe only some fine grade of emptiness here for a while.

But, in exchange, I’d like to share with you whole process how text from my editor becomes a post in weblog.

First, you install Hugo, which comes as single binary and super easy to get. You probably would like to get extended version in case your theme would require some extra features. To be honest, I have no idea what features it could be, but few themes refused to compile resulting site.

Then you would like to store data somewhere. GitHub or any other version control system (GitLab, Bitbucket, etc) would be OK. I’m using following structure:

├── config.yml
├── content
│   ├── _index.md
│   └── posts
├── static
│   ├── css
│   └── images
└── themes
    └── ananke

Right now I’m using ananke theme here (though not sure it’s still the same at the moment you read this). Take a look at this one - that’s a masterpiece example of user-friendly product.

When you’re ready to write your own content, there’s a question on how to upload new blog post or some fixes to “production” site.

I’m using following scheme for now:

  • Blog content stored in personal git repository
  • CI system watches for changes and builds Docker image once they happen
  • Watchtower keeps site container up to date

As weblog don’t require blazing fast updates, I’m free to write and push in comfort pace. The point is that changes are guaranteed to be delivered.